Public health
Social Prescribing for IMG GP Registrars
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) experience disproportionally worse outcomes in GP Specialty Training when compared to their peers. Lack of autonomy about the geographical location of work, poor work-life balance, the potential stigma of supplementary help, anxiety about possible exam failure, visa difficulties and costs, may all impact on their training.
A Social Prescribing Scheme Pilot was established for IMG GP Registrars in Yorkshire and the Humber. From 33 referrals, 21% of requests were for accommodation issues, 18% for childcare issues and 11% for mental health problems. Feedback from trainees was positive.
Human factors such as accommodation and financial worries can have a huge impact on trainees’ wellbeing and progression.
Suggested WiseGP actions:
Take a holistic approach to enquiring about the wellbeing of GP Registrars, to help identify and support them with human factors such as accommodation and financial worries, which can impact on trainees’ health and progression.
Enquire with TPDs in your region if a similar support scheme could be established for your trainees.
Read more about the research informing this GEM here: https://bjgp.org/content/73/suppl_1/bjgp23X733869
Approaches to help prevent GP burnout
Moderate to high GP burnout exists worldwide. To help address this, clinicians need some autonomy over their work, a sense of belonging within their team and to feel they are delivering valued outcomes. There is an overarching need for investment in the workforce to deliver greater numbers of doctors.
Suggested WiseGP actions:
Have a look at our first WiseGP newsletter produced in response to GP burnout- can you identify any changes you could make to help protect yourself and your colleagues? (link)
Examples include promoting patient self-care, reducing sessions or developing a portfolio career, getting appropriate locum cover when indicated, task delegation, innovative use of new PCN team members, helping the duty doctor when they’re struggling and being assertive when declining inappropriate work from secondary care.
Read more about the research informing these recommendations here: https://bjgp.org/content/72/718/e316