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Practice management

Clinical considerations

  • Around 60% of carbon emissions in primary care come from clinical work. The majority of these emissions relate to prescribing.

WiseGP actions:

1. Have a look at these 6 steps to work towards a greener and better primary care, which are focussed on supporting health and wellbeing. Suggestions range from nature-based interventions to social prescribing, de-prescribing and low carbon prescribing and patient empowerment and self-care.

2. Explore this asthma toolkit designed to help UK general practices improve asthma outcomes and reduce carbon emissions:

3. Sign up to be part of the greener practice network here:

4. Find out more on the greener practice website (


Organisational considerations

  • Around 40% of carbon emissions in primary care are due to organisational factors. This includes energy use, staff and patient travel and business services.

WiseGP actions:

1. Take steps to reduce energy use (from switching off lights and air conditioning, to shutting down computers, insulating your building and getting solar panels or air source heat pumps).

2. Encourage active travel to the practice by staff and patients.

3. Make ethical and green choices where possible about the products your business uses.

4. Reduce, reuse and recycle!

Read more specific advice on the above recommendations here:

Have a look at the RCGP's Green Impact for Health Toolkit, available here:

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